Nutrition Coaching

Personalized nutrition education

Proper nutrition is the base for living a healthy life — no matter how you define healthy. Whether you’re looking to enhance your athletic performance, improve your four health numbers, or simply feel better in your body, a solid understanding of nutrition basics is the key to unlocking your health and fitness goals.


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The Nutrition Coaching Process

At AE FIT 716, we focus on nutrition education instead of writing meal plans.

Lifetime Knowledge > 30-Day Meal Plan

Your 45-minute nutrition coaching session begins with a conversation about your health, fitness, and nutrition goals, as well as your past relationship with food and any dietary preferences you might have. We’ll then spend the rest of the time discussing the key components of nutrition like macros, energy (caloric intake), and how your exercise routine impacts the food your body needs.

At the end of our coaching session, you’ll have the knowledge and tools necessary to create sustainable habits that work with your personal and unique life.

Designed for Busy Lives

Our nutrition coaching program is designed to give you substantial information in one session. Follow-up sessions may be needed to track your progress and provide additional information. To sign up for nutrition coaching, purchase a session on Mindbody for $50 then click the button below to schedule it. If you’re already doing personal training with us, you can use one of your package sessions for nutrition coaching.